
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Floorball and Boredom in School

As I type this out, I just bathed. I normally dont start my blog post in this way, but I found that my brain still needs time to work (That happens after I take a bath. Too relaxing). So the first paragraph is just me spouting non-relevant stuff while I try to think back on today's happening. Eg. the Japanese show airing just now was really cool. Seems though my mother and I have different views on its content. The show was about housework. Yeah. How to do housework more efficiently. Anyone know chocolate is really effective in removing pen markings/drawings on a wooden table? I didnt and neither did my mom. While she probably found it useful, I was cursing the waste of a good Meiji chocolate.

If I had a son who drew on his table, I wont clean it for him. I would take his share of chocolate and make him clean the table with it. That way, he feels the agony pieces by pieces of chocolate. After that, I will make him clear the chocolate crumbs on the table. By eating them. Then I will head out to buy the best grade of milk chocolate and eat it myself in front of him.

Yeah, I probably will make a lousy father. :D

School today will really another mundane affair. There were a fair shares of jokes and pranks (More than fair, actually) and there were lessons. Most exciting lesson today was probably Chinese. The 150华语成语 was the focus of our class today, though it seemed other classes (1T01) already did it last week. The teachers did the whole thing as a competition. I couldnt manage to fill in everything. Perhaps about 120 of those proverbs. The other 30 disappeared from my mind in the December holidays. Or maybe I never knew them in the first place. Some were, oh, so familiar.

I resolve to read more Chinese books. I bet I only read a grand total of 5 Chinese books last year, including my Chinese Textbook. >.<

My lunch cost 4 dollars due to me being ravenous. Though 4 dollars spent in Western isnt most efficient use of money (Economics taking a toll). I believe the Mix-and-match seems more worth the price you pay. Probably will check it out tmr.

Aaargh. My school life seen from my blog seems to be food + studies.
That's two eggs by the way. Looks like only one to me.
Classmates asked about my blog today. I said it was therapeutic and it can be an outlet for pent-in emotions. One said writing a blog was "lame" and another nodded his head sagely.

Me: Why are you nodding your head? You think it's lame too?     

That guy: *Sheepishly* No- it happens I blog too.

That makes it another blogger I need to follow. CJC blogging community seems quite huge and the bloggers I know seem to be just the tip of a huge iceberg.

Met Amy again today. (School's a small place, really) Her hair was tied up in the most exquisite way possible. And she did it herself. That is really impressive, though I am not really the best person to comment on it. My hair is never combed or gelled. My hair will still be in the same way as it was when I last bathed. And I believe I saw Ken in school today. I mean, I saw 4 to 6 girls and 1 guy. So either that guy is the ultimate playboy in school or he is Ken. Or maybe he's both. I need to chat with him. His blog shows him as a really friendly and intellectual kinda guy. And maybe that little bit of emoness.

My meeting with Amy today was...I dont even know how to describe it. Summarizing the whole story as a dialogue:

Amy: Hey Seetoh, that guy is that guy in my blog. *Points*

Me: Hmm? Who? *Search for guy*

*Guy saw Amy and me looking* 

*Amy ran*

 Heh. I was laughing after she ran. And if you are reading this, Amy, hey, I cant help looking behind/laughing. It was reflex/hilarious. :) By the way, if it is any consolation, I heard only two J1 band got into Rockafella. And BiNAry was one of them. Heard you guys were great during the audition.

Something stupid/interesting always happen when I meet Amy.

The other big event for today other then the Amy's incident was my Physics teacher coming to me after the lecture asking why didnt I join Hockey. So I replied I was more of a floorballer (Check Wikipedia for floorball if you got no idea what it is). Then the teacher said she was disappointed at my choice of Debates. Finally she asked me whether I have any interest in Floorball in CJC as a second CCA.

The reason I didnt join floorball is because the floorball in CJC is recreational-based and is combined with the hockey CCA. I dont want to be in hockey which is why I joined Debates. But it seems that the they MIGHT just let me enter floorball and not hockey.

Way to go for making me feel wanted. But truthfully, there are less than ten CJCians with floorball as their CCA and probably none who have played floorball as their first CCA for more than 4 years. Which explains it. I love floorball so if I am given the chance to play for it in JC, I might just go for it.

Anyway, how does my physics teacher know about all this? She's not a PE nor HOD teacher and she is not related to hockey in anyway. Perhaps she is the future floorball CCA-Teacher-In-Charge.

For lack of something interesting to post, I shall talk about the Macbook of mine. I freaking love it. I might not even use a Windows ever again in my life. The only and main gripe about my Mac is that many computer games are not supported on Leopard OS. Which doesnt matters much since I am not that avid of a gamer.

Screenshot of my Macbook after 2 weeks of usage.

Signing off. I have PE and PTM tomorrow thus I need that extra hour of sleep. So I am going to sleep. After I finish my Econs Essay. And that Geometric Progression worksheet. And of course, to read up on that RJC GP. Not to forget studying for kinematics for this Thursday's test.

At least I finished my blogging/rant for today.



Amy said...

You shouted 'WHO?!' so loudly that all the guys turned and stared at us!!! ><

Another Teenager. said...

Lol. I didnt know. Oops. Well, no permanent harm done.
