
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Longest hiatus ever: Whatever shall I do when Mid-Years come?

Once, in my secondary school, I have given a survey along with my class. The DISC one, if anyone know what I am talking about(I am a D and I). One of the questions in there was: What time of the day do you like best?

Some answered morning. "Oh, the morning is the time where one's brain is at the best- oiled and ready-to-go." And I agree fully. Morning is a great time to study; I just hate the waking up early part. And by the way, early morning means one starts his or her day at 6.30am onwards. *Eyes the late-risers who think 10am is early*

And the afternoon. I hate it. I feel sleepy, especially after lunch. Unproductive is the word for the afternoon, the only thing good after 12pm is slacking. As in, kicking back in the armchair in the sweltering heat and just day-dream your way to sleep.

And the night. Some of my classmates(the smarter ones, heh) chose the night. The night is quiet and silent, black and ominous, foreboding and filled with tension. And yet, it is such a great to contemplate. The average student, nay, the average Singaporean's day is filled with people palavering, with day-dreaming, essentially nothing useful most of the time. We have to filter out this massive load of information, into the useful and non-useful category. Again, to clarify, conversations with friends belong to "useful". And "homework". Hmmm. That would take some thoughts.

On a serious note, the night is a great time to spend with your only companion- your own mind. And that is your most trusted friend- not your friends or relatives. Perhaps your family, though even that is debatable at times. The night is the most quiet part of the day and your mind will have no need to strain itself, sieving through your 5 senses for information earlier on in the afternoon. And how many times have you lie awake in your bed, reflecting about your experiences...just thinking there?

And this might be why I like to blog at night, where there is no one but me in my own private and personal little world. Kinda ironical, really, to pour out my "innermost secrets" in my blog at the most private part of the day.

Enough with my thoughts. Heh. After that ramble, I wonder how many shares similar view? I, personally, sleep anywhere from 12am to 2am. And occasional 3am. This also might explains why I am usually a late riser. But not too late. Perhaps about 8.30am to 9am?

Moving on. Recently a fellow debater came to me and told me, "Seetoh, you dont update your blog often enough." She didnt praise me for interesting or humorous content(okay, that could be just my wish), but that simple statement flattered me a great deal. I dont blush, but if I do, but face would have been the shade of an apple. So, thank you Michele, for not praising my blog but just informing me that your follow it. And I suppose, you too, Ding Yan.

I suppose one becomes happy when your work, no matter what kind, have people appraising it.

And next up: SAF-CJC partnership. That proved to be a day of many "firsts". My first time firing a gun. A machine gun, a pistol and a SAR 21. Note to self- guns are pretty loud. Especially a machine gun. Maybe it's a guy's thing, but there is something about a gun that make a guy pump up with adrenaline. Could be the testosterone but every male in my class would grin about their learning to strip a pistol. My reasoning? Military weapons is a human construct and this just make us proud. Not proud of its usage for violence but proud that we could produce something so powerful. Pride of the creator, pride of its user.

And hey, even girls felt it was kinda awesome. I mean, carrying a 8kg bazooka? Who would have given the chance up? Not to mention the army camp boosted a huge town- an artificial one. One with shophouses and residence area, all empty and used to simulate urban combat. Soldiers, perhaps to pacify their superiors, gushed about NS life.

"You get $200 if you get a Gold for IPPT(NS's NAPFA) and $100 if you get a Silver."

I could see the dollar symbol in everyone's eye.

Hmm. And the Hindi movie. To be honest, I have never watch a Indian movie in my entire life. Perhaps watched a few excerpts and they were those dancing and singing scenes. I am neutral to musicals, save a few, and almost all Indian movies are a musical. Added on with the language barrier, this means "The 3 Idiots" was the first Indian movie I watched.

I watched it because it was witty, funny and exposes life in a new perspective. It showed many flaws in the education system and praise the virtues of friendship and camaraderie.

It is not the best comedy film I have ever watched, but it was a great one. To skeptics, cast away the racial stereotypes and watched "The 3 Idiots". I guarantee there will be no disappointment. Below is the first portion of the movie. Someone uploaded the entire 2009 movie up. I recommend


The rest are also on Youtube, just click the name of the fella who uploaded all these to see everything. 

That was how I spent my weekend, or rather, in view of the "hiatus", the entire week.

*If you notice, I didnt mention myself doing any homework. So eh-hem, just to clarify, I am not a mugger. :D*


Hombre Lobo said...

I disagree...

I'm not proud of the fact that we humans invest time and energy into the production of weapons. The sole purpose of a weapon is to destroy. I don't see how anyone could be proud of that.

DiaryofD said...

When the night has come, and your inner sanctum is opened, the thoughts spill and gush out like a raging river, and it is all you can do to guide them around or explore topic after topic.. and if you choose to organise them by posting them on a public-viewable blog, then so be it.

Another Teenager. said...

DiaryofD: If I have to write all my thoughts in a night on this blog, I would take a week. The things I pen down here are the one that I find the most interesting- not necessarily the most profound. Me and you, friend, are like night owls. We live for the night.

Weird14552: I am not proud at how we use the weapons- I am proud that we created it. And the sole purpose of a weapon is to destroy. But destroying might not necessary be a bad thing. And anything, not just guns, can be a weapon. And we can destroy with just our bare hands. Just my thoughts.