
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reversi and THE presentation and polygamy

I sleep at one or two in the morning every night and I am forced to drink coffee. While others view coffee as something to be enjoyed, coffee is just caffeine to me. I drink for the caffeine. I still like coffee but in the end, I just need that caffeine. I would love to sleep earlier, but all the revision drains me. I think it is proving to be more detrimental than if I sleep at an earlier midnight. My night is filled with projects, homework, revision of stuffs taught that day, blogging and reading the daily papers. I reach home at seven and finish my dinner and my bath at 8pm.

Time flies. I remember my O levels like it was yesterday and an hour pass like a second. I guess our life is really just like a candle. I hope I am burning to my fullest.

In my JC life, I try to take part in as many stuffs as I can. Pre University Seminar, trying for the NTU research program and putting my name within the upcoming inter-class reversi competition. And I realised I am hooked on Reversi/Othello. I am aiming for that gold in napfa too. Technically that would make me 文武双全, which just means excelling in both academia and sports. And that would be my "long-term goal" (Student Development Program, anyone?).

I dont have any photographs for today because frankly, it slipped my mind to get photographs for my blog. Not a good excuse but hey, everyone got those kinda days. So this post will seem really boring (I hope not, actually)

And anyway, the only stuff I could think of to write is my new addiction to Reversi or Othello. I played 8 games yesterday and 6 games today. I love the game, just like how I love Chinese Chess or international chess. The game is just so versatile. I love board games, especially strategical ones such as Othello. And it is the only game where if A is given 3 moves to B's 1 move,  A would lose. Mind-breaking,

The second is Pre-U Sem. Tomorrow is the presentation. THE presentation. The moment we have all been waiting for. Actually, tomorrow's presentation is to select four person out of the twenty to present to the Guest of Honours  and many more. So, truth be told, it is an honour above that honour given to that twenty. That sounded confusing. >.<

Creme la de creme, to be precise. Which is french for top of the top. Nerve-wracking I am sure, as everyone would love to have the chance to represent the school even further.

My days are busy but quite monotonous. A highlight of the day was the GP lesson. As it goes, it is the only subject without a given syllabus. Thus it can be said to be a refresher to the day in comparison with all those content-driven lectures. My favourite two subjects now would be Mathematics and General Paper. I have always like maths and GP is well, really fun. Take for example today and yesterday General Paper.

"Should polygamy be allowed?" I wrote no, since it should open a whole new can of worms. But many factors might lead us to think otherwise. Could it solve Singapore's declining birth rate? And at what price? Still it is interesting to know two of my classmate (one male and one female, no names) wrote "yes". And hey, it is not necessary wrong. Questions like these make one thoughtful. To agree or not to agree.  

I guess I should just stop here. time constraint and all that. In return, I would just like to post a gem of a youtube video I found.

Warning: it is kinda vulgar. In a sense. No vulgarities, I promise (urrgh, oxymoronic me). It is just you and your assumptions. :D

The singer just sorta pause and you assume...stuffs. I love the wit of the whole thing. I mean, who the heck created this song? My friend showed this to me.

The creator of the lyrics have my due respect. I hope it didnt offend anyone. :)


Hombre Lobo said...

We humans are polygamous creatures... Face it...

Anonymous said...

Anon can give you names

Amy said...

My sides hurt. LOL.

Good luck w/ Pre-U Sem!! Show 'em who's the most cynical! (no offense intended).

DiaryofD said...

"My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night. But ah my foes and ooh my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
- Roald Dahl

Cassandra said...

You know Chinese ?