
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ambassador and Public Speaking

A song from Angel Beats that I found melancholic. Added it to my "Homework" playlist, which is just a list of music I listened to while doing my work. Mostly, they are sad and able to invoke a tear had I watched the movie/anime/show.
My school hosted the C.A.S.S.O.C, which is an acronym(I kinda forgot what the S.O.C stood for). Basically, it is a public speaking competition for high school students hosted by our school. Topics given were "When I am 64...", "That's all, folks", You cannot put the toothpaste back into the tube" and " Memories are like paperbags".

The topics were created by J1s, or rather, my fellow public speakers and debaters. I particularly liked the metaphorical usage of paperbags. Rather that was abstract. The link could be made but we wanted to see what the contestants would make of the topic. After watching all the constestants, the main problem lie with them reading from a script.

In public speaking, it is taboo to either hold a paper and read word-for-word to the audience. It breaks the eye-contact and it will no longer be public speaking but public reading. The top 3 winners were students who didnt use any form of notes. Kudos to them.

Everyone sitting on the stairs taking a break after a dry run of C.A.S.S.O.C

This photo was taken when we were finishing up the preparation for the competition to be held the next day.

Early in the morning: Preparing the consolation prizes
Chocolate. That was the consolation gift. Everyone were preparing everything, tying ribbons, stacking them in a nice way...the works. Competing in a competition and preparing for a competition are similar: both are fraught with stress. No one wants to screw up.

The emcees: Nicholas and Pierce
Being an emcee is not as easy as some might think. There are a lot of impromptu involved. Their banter were amusing and witty, which is a major flaw in many emcees today. And when there were problems beyond our planning, when more time is needed before the next speaker comes in, when there are technical difficulty, they are there. Kudos to Nicholas and Pierce. 

A surprise performance from a few of our students
They were a rock band, but for this formal competition, they played Eric Clapton "Wonderful tonight" and another song(forgot the name of the song).

All the contestants: Official photo shoot
I was an ambassador- means I was attached to one of the school. Kind of like ushering.

Amanda and me: both ambassadors
iPhone are really excellent cam-whoring device. My Xperia mini cant go dual-camera mode. Damn. This photo was taken by my friend iPhone 4. Hmm. Nah. Still an Android supporter.

Alright. I have a physics test tomorrow and I do want to ace it. "That's all, folks." :D

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