
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Been awhile. Blogging differently.

July 19 was the last day I wrote for my blog.

I write to remember events, to reread them months later and learn. To laugh at myself, not to regret. Months later, I am older. I am no longer 17 but 18. Insignificant change, even after regarding 18 as an important age. It does have that tang to it. 18. 21.

From now on, I am going to use this blog for my philosophical musings. I used tumblr, during my hiatus.

It's not for me. I understand the admiration of beautiful and interesting things. But to reblog them for others. The motive escapes me. On tumblr, I posted photos of my own and my rants. But they were always one of the million; there was no individuality, nothing valuable or significant that I can look back at and feel seomthing. They are merely photographs- and sometime, not even mine. Interesting shit is on the web all around. I don't need tumblr to find more. From now on, I will use tumblr as I had intended it to be used. A photo gallery. For me. My own photos.

My rants and everything will be on this blog. Everything I feel strongly about. Political castigation, reprimanding the idiocy of people I meet. Pseudo-intellectual stuff.

I am patronising, yes I am. But I wish to learn. And what I learn shall be limited because I will always find myself right. I am arrogant, yes I am. But you have to be assured of yourself. I am a prick, of course I am. People have proven me wrong about stuff, crushing my pride.

But I learn. I want people to argue against me. Not patronizing me, not using experience and trying to shut me up because of it. But show me why I am not thinking rationally. Why I am a fool. I know I am, but a part of me refuse to believe I am a fool. I need someone to show me that I am.

My blog was read. There were 60 views a day then, God knows why. It's not a lot, but it's significant to me. Comment. Argue.

I am a fool. Prove it.

1 comment:

Hombre Lobo said...

Looking forward to reading your stuff. Heheh.