Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, there was a blogger who quit blogging...
I forgot that I was a blogger again. This post is thanks to a status in Facebook: "I started blogging to destress..."
Me: "Hah. Just like me. I hope he enjoys blogging...oh wait..."
Back to my Mac. But the best thing is, due to the long time spent away from the keyboard, I have no end to the things that I can write. First thing that popped in my mind- happy belated birthday to me. Birthdays should be blogged about. I feel like I broke a blogger's rule by not reporting every bit about my birthday.
Worse of all, I dont have an excuse. I still have a lot of homework; but due to superb time management, or maybe because of the new 5-hrs detention punishment set in place, I have managed to toe the line. As a student, I am obligated to finish up my homework(cue the toothy smile).
Oh well, who am I kidding.
My birthday presents: Saucony running shoes and 3 books from my parents. Not yet any from my brother(since he is in China). My aunts and uncles gave me hong baos. Last year, I requested from my parents a three-hundred dollars whiteboard. And a earpiece from my brother. The year before that I got a floorball stick(which I am still using), a rubik cube(for a timing of 1min 30 sec after 2 weeks) and Green Day's album.
Picked them up at Giant at 13 bucks each |
The left side message from my Chemistry teacher and the right side message from Christina. |
Enough about my birthday. Another thing- I stepped on stage; or rather the 2nd story in the Piazza to receive a prize for being second in the Shanghai TI Maths Cup. Of course I was surprised, pleasantly too...a ten-dollars Popular voucher. To a bookworm like me? I would have chose the voucher to a blank cheque.
As one can see, it has been a period of time where I encountered many "firsts". Another one coming up: it was my first time doing competitive debating. We beat ACJC and TJC(Temasek). And lost to NUS, Nanyang Polytechnic, ATTM and House of Zosa(Philippines team). It was an open competition, which means university graduates(and above) are free to enter. NUS tore us apart but the encounter taught us much.
Hmm. After this post, I wont be sure when will be my next post. Mid-years is coming. Along with many other events. Exchange program to Ritsumeikan university, Pre-University Seminar, Floorball in the Sports carnival, SMO(Open), Shanghai TI Cup competition... and I am not even the busiest person in class. Far from it.
That reminds me, I am in Floorball interest group. I joined because I got a bronze for my NAPFA. (>.< at the 1cm in SBJ that caused it) I fear for my physical fitness. And another reason was because my class is competing in floorball in the Sports Carnival. Counting me, there are only 3 competitive floorballers in the entire JC. *Rub hands with glee* I do hope we become champions.
My JC life is packed. Fulfiling, to say the least. So, especially to you, Jun Yin, I AM enjoying myself. :)
Now, if only I can top my class...